Level 3 Responsible Personal Service Framework Ver 1
Regular and clear communication with clients regarding the measures detailed below will be essential for a smooth process and for client and staff compliance / acceptance.
Before confirming appointment:
- Online pre-screening for COVID-19. SEE BELOW Further screening / interpretation / decisions would be required for any affirmative answers.
- Explain the precautions the salon/spa is taking either verbally or by email ahead of the consultation so that the clients know what to expect and feel safe.
- Clients to fill out their client forms and questionnaires online ahead of time, so that they spend minimal time in the waiting area.
- Request that clients do not arrive earlier than 5 minutes before their appointment. If they do, they need to wait outside until their appointment time.
- Request that clients wear masks before entering the salon / spa.
In-salon / spa:
- Hand sanitiser available on entry to rooms.
- Every 3rd chair removed from waiting area to ensure social distancing.
- Bookings done in such a way that there are no more than 3 clients arriving in any hour (this would be dependent on the number of treatment rooms you have and space in your waiting area).
- Book clients with enough time in between appointments to sanitise surfaces and change linen.
- Removal of magazines and any other unnecessary touch points.
- Reception screens up for protection of reception staff.
- Masks & visors worn by reception staff.
- Remove all flyers & pamphlets but indicate on brochure stand that flyers are available at reception.
- Do not issue appointment cards. Ask clients to put appointments straight into their phone instead.
- Antiseptic wet wipe to be used on credit card machine before and after each use.
- No staff to wash hands in kitchen basin – only in bathroom or treatment room basins.
- Automatic soap and hand towel dispensers fitted into toilets. Remove reusable hand towel from all basins.
- Daily sanitizing of regular touch points e.g. telephones, computers, filing cabinets, drawer and door handles, toilet etc. Each person is allocated an area to do daily.
- Daily spraying of clinic with Sterifog.
- Routine de-fogging as per usage guidelines.
- Consider getting a professional cleaning company to come in to disinfect surfaces as recommended.
- If possible, set up of off-site treatment/service area for clients not happy to visit the salon / spa.
During treatments:
- Therapist to open / closer doors for clients.
- Remove client gowns. Use towels instead & replace towel after each client.
- Therapists to wear gloves, mask & face visor.
- Clients to keep their mask on during treatment if it doesn’t involve the face area.
- Clients & therapists to sanitise hands again before entering treatment room.
- Therapist to clean surfaces of room between clients.
- Change bed linen for each client.
- Delivery service for products.
- For clients needing products (no treatment), offer for them to order ahead of time, eft payment and let a member of staff take the product out to the client’s car (or meeting point) so that the client does not need to enter the premises.
On arriving home after work (or any other outing):
- Sanitise hands (keep a bottle in your car).
- Sanitise touch points of car on arriving home (steering wheel, gears, hand brake, radio, air conditioner, window and mirror controls, handles (interior & exterior), boot). I like to use antiseptic wet wipes, so that liquid doesn’t get into mechanics of car.
- While still in garage, use sanitise phone, remotes, credit cards etc.
- Remove clothing & shoes and place in a bag for cleaning. Ensure there is a gown / towel waiting for you on arrival!
- Leave mask in garage or car (don’t take it into your home).
- Dispose of all wet wipes, tissues etc.
- Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
- Shower and dress in clean clothes thereafter.
Pre-Screening Questionnaire:
First name:
Email address:
Telephone number (cellphone ideally):
Screening questions:
- Have you had any fever over the last 14 days?
- In the past 14 days, have you traveled or been in contact with anyone who has traveled to an area with local transmission?
- In the past 14 days, have you been in contact with a confirmed or probable COVID-19 positive person?
- Do you, or have you had, any of the following symptoms: cough, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath, muscle or joint pain, sinusitis, diarrhea?
- Have you lost your sense of smell?
- Have you visited, or do you reside in an old age / retirement home / nursing home / step-down facility?
- Have you, your partner or family member seen a doctor or health care practitioner or been admitted to a hospital for any reason in the past 14 days?
- Have you, or someone you live, with been swabbed for COVID-19? (IF YES)
- Have you or the person you live with received the test results? (IF YES)
- What was the outcome of the COVID-19 test?
- Are you or your partner healthcare workers? (IF YES)
- Have either you or your partner had symptoms of COVID-19?
- Have you or your partner worked in / attended a health care facility where patients are being treated for COVID-19?
• As the pandemic and our response to it changes daily, we will need to adjust these precautions / processes regularly.