Weekly/Monthly Covid Update

This is how the situation looks in Africa and we are at the top of the list as probably the most western urbanized country in Africa
Vaccinations are the next order of business…

Israel is clearly following a Blue Ocean strategy
They are that far ahead…
I’m trusting there is enough a “boer maak a plan” thinking in SA that that links with how the “Jewish have made a plan” ….enough persecution survival complex to benefit us all 😁 (i.e how to survive against all odds).
I understand these are quite broad statements that might offend some if they take it out of context and into cultural and race differences in our very politically sensitive country – Black Lives Matter – Let me be clear.
We need to link the numbers back to what might be the cause for Israel’s ability to respond so proactively and learn from them. This is the purpose of Business Intelligence.
The issue is we as humanity are being tested and survival is at stake. Israel has survived despite the odds or even the right to exist – we can see the data reflecting a very powerful will to survive COVID.
THE KEY POINT is you want your business to Survive and have and also have similarly impressive response level that way exceeds your competitors (countries in Israel’s Case).
ESP Business Intelligence – Wellness Industry Statistics
ESP Wellness Industry BI report:
In December 2020 the hair industry has increased revenue by 3% when compared to November 2020 while the Beauty industry has seen a 8% decline for the same period.
After seeing massive gains last month the beauty industry has back-tracked somewhat and is now posting results that are more in line with what we are seeing in the hair industry.
As a whole revenue is down by 17% when comparing December 2020 to December 2021. In November this was sitting at 18% so the improvement is incremental. What I would like to highlight here is that the number of clients visiting has been 25% less, which is the average for the last 3 months, but this has only resulted in a 17% less revenue.
As this picture has evolved from July 2020 to now the month on month and year on year the improvements are becoming smaller and more hard fought. If you haven’t taken action in your business to increase the per visit spend of the clients who are visiting then you are behind the curve.
To find out how to implement strategies to improve your revenue and monitor the results contact the ESP Connect team info@espconnect.africa.
These stats are drawn from the ESP client base that make use of our Business Intelligence service. These businesses owners are actively involved in their businesses and use the BI to track and understand the trends which allow them to formulate and implement strategies that will make a meaningful difference to the bottom line.
If you want to find out more about salon software and business intelligence that can make a real difference to your business, email info@espconnect.africa.
Learn more about ESP by visiting their website HERE.

U.S. Citizens are Still Able to Return to the United States Despite a Presidential Proclamation Suspending Entry for Immigrant and Non-Immigrants in South Africa.
President Biden announced that effective at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on January 30, 2021, immigrant and non-immigrant entry into the United States will be suspended for individuals who were physically present within the Republic of South Africa during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States. Please note that this proclamation does not apply to U.S. citizens and contains multiple exceptions including for lawful permanent residents of the United States and some non-citizen family members. All travellers to the United States, including U.S. citizens, must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test to airlines prior to departure.

Thankfully SA is off this list:

Looks Like we are heading the Right way in SA Folks… Not like the USAor UK

This has been the Weekly/Monthly Covid Weather Report
Be Safe and Prosper – Collective Corporation.